I'm sure you've heard the famous catch phrase "Treat yo self!" from the popular comedy show ‘Parks and Recs’. They seem to have it all figured out- the importance of treating yourself with self-care and self-love. It all starts with you. Unfortunately most of us don't have personal assistants to tell us when to eat, sleep, exercise and when to spend time on ourselves. Here are a few tips to help you on your way to creating a better self. It's okay to say no! Saying no allows you to have the freedom to opt out of something that does not align with who you are. It gives you more free time to do what you really want, even if it is just relaxing by yourself for a bit. Take a nice warm bath or shower filled with uplifting fragrances to help you de-stress after a long day. Have your eye on that specific item? Can't stop thinking about it? Go for it! Splurge on it, because you work hard and you deserve it! Have a day to yourself to recharge your ...