*** Last month to save! Now- July 29th: 1 full hour of distance Reiki & Chakra Balancing, followed by 30 minutes of wellness & self love coaching. This is perfect to help realign, reconnect, balance and heal ALL of the chakras! Self-Care is a priority. You can not pour from an empty cup, you must be able to fill up your own cup first with love and care, and then you can share! The self- love sessions are designed to help you feel confident in who you are. It's perfect for anyone needing help dedicating more time to themselves, setting boundaries, learning how to say NO, and learn ways to help elevate and boost your confidence! Virtual $111 Summer Special 1 hr of Reiki, Restructuring, Rebalancing & Regrouping! Experience this amazing 1 hr session with collaborative energy in a group setting with crystals and essential oils. We will release what no longer serves us and set intentions and goals to accomplish during this Capricorn ...