Jennifer is a certified Reiki practitioner specializing in: relaxation, releasing negative energy, healing from past trauma, Chakra balancing, and improving mental health and OVERALL well-being. Primarily focusing on distance healing, what makes her services stand out is that she not only does Reiki and Chakra balancing, she follows up with spiritual wellness coaching. She goes over what her guides and intuition tells her, what chakras are blocked, and ends with helpful, personalized tips to help realign and rebalance to assist with bringing in more peace, self-love and harmony, into each of her clients lives. Her other love is content creation and marketing, specializing in: Holistic wellness, fitness, yoga, essential oils, Reiki energy healing, metaphysics, crystals & health. This is ideal for shops, boutiques and studios looking to inform their audience and promote their products/services. She has a degree in Design and Merchandising with a background in Business ...