When we were younger, we most likely had a bunch of different friends growing up. Whether it was in school, playing sports, playing music together, or even just kids from the neighborhood. As we get older, we tend to only be able to count our best friends or our inner circle on one hand. The friends you may have had when you were younger, you often have grown apart from and have gone in different directions. And that is OK! It's a way of life, and it's all a part of growing up and living.
Never discourage anyone from going down a different path than you are. Many things may come into play that leads us down our different paths. It's OK to walk in different directions and still love a person from afar. It's OK to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the journey you are on. Just because you go down a different path, doesn't mean you are lost, it just means that you are growing, learning and blossoming into your own unique individual.
Everyone is meant to go on different journeys. Not one person learns the same as another. In fact, lift up your fellow friends and encourage them to be the best version of themselves! Find your path! Find your journey! Send love and positive energy from afar and never judge or criticize by sending hate or anger. It's life changing and amazing to be able to understand the need for ones personal growth and development in becoming the person we are meant to be. If your paths never cross again just know that your roads lead you to something even greater.
At the end of the day, our lives are nothing but a journey. We are on separate roads that may intertwine from time to time, but we are all just on our own paths to find the same thing: peace, love, and happiness. Just remember that not everyone gets there the same way.
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