Where to even being about 2020? A lot can be said. This year has definitely been a time of change, transformation, and adaptability. Talk about living life out of your comfort zone. For introverts, it may have not been all that bad, for extroverts, well, I'm sorry. Life is all about balance. Change is inevitable. It may not be an easy transition, but it's bound to happen. This year was a roller coaster ride, to say the least. It's hard to see light when you're in the midst of darkness. This year will go down in history as one of the most life-changing, stressful, controversial, and introspective year of all time.
a lot of negative came from this year, I won't even begin to go down the list,
some positives came from this year too. Can you think of at least 1 positive
that came to your life this year? Was it leaving that job that was toxic?
Getting to spend more time with loved ones at home? Adopting a new pet?
Allowing yourself to work on your hobbies that you put on the back burner?
Getting healthier and more active? By practicing gratitude daily, give thanks
for what you DO have in your life, and remember you are not going through this
year has allowed me to change my perspective on life. I have learned the tough
truth that life and all of its ups and downs, happen for you, not to you.
Sometimes you are just redirected in life because there is something even
better and greater for you! If anything 2020 has taught us is that we don’t
always have control of the outcome so might as well just detach and go with the
flow. You never know what could happen.
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