Let's face it... going through a Spiritual Journey is not all rainbows, unicorns, and kittens. It's raw, It's messy, and it sometimes feels like a rollercoaster of emotions.
Sometimes we need to claw our way out just to make it to the other side. Sometimes we feel like a beast not knowing if we are going to make it out alive.Now I'm all for positive energy and good vibes but I'm also real. Spiritual Transformation is not for the faint of heart, but let me tell you something- It is absolutely worth it! To see and bask in the love and light that is at the end of the tunnel is inspiring, beautiful, uplifting, and magical! 

If you want to hear a little about my spiritual journey, you can read more
About Me 

*Side note- this image was taken about 10 years ago when I started my spiritual journey and transformation. It did feel kind of like this, peeling back the layers, getting to the root of the issue. It doesn't need to be impossible but it does require you to put in work, dedication, and digging deep.
What triggers you? What's holding you back? Is it:
- fear
- doubt
- worry/"what if"
- anger
- abandonment
The 'shadow' is the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don't want to admit to having. It is at first an unconscious side. It is only through the effort to become self-aware that we recognize our shadow. Shadow work involves getting in touch with the parts of yourself that you've repressed — or what many might refer to as their "dark side." ... It's called "shadow work," and involves "diving into the unconscious material that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors."

You don't need to fight with your shadow self 

Instead, try embracing and welcoming it. I sometimes call my shadow self my alter ego. When I get nervous or anxious about something, I sometimes ask myself why I feel this way. Is it real? Yes. Is it valid? Yes. Does it need to control me? Absolutely NOT! I acknowledge that I am having a moment, I meditate to see where it originally stemmed from and what triggered it now, and I give myself love and compassion and make peace with it and then I let it go- I don't let it consume me It doesn't have power over me any longer. It can not hurt me.
When we live in the past, we hold onto our traumas and all of those negative emotions. It holds us back from truly living our best life and living life to the fullest.
Are you ready to break free from negative energy, heal from past trauma, and improve mental health and OVERALL well-being?
Who is ready to be the best version of themselves? Who is ready to break away from the chains and the "demons" that are holding you back?
Who is ready for more success, abundance, love, wealth, wellness, happiness, joy, peace, fulfillment and prosperity?
Who is ready to take their life to the next level?
Let's go on this journey together! Together we are stronger, together we are one.
We are a pack on a spiritual journey together! 

I would love to connect!

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