Cleansing your energy is important for maintaining emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Just as we accumulate physical dirt throughout the day, we can also absorb emotional residue, negative thoughts, and energetic blockages from people, places, or situations. If left unchecked, this can lead to fatigue, stress, anxiety, irritability, or a feeling of being stuck. Cleansing allows you to release stagnant energy, restore balance, and reconnect with your authentic self. As a Reiki Energy Healer , I make sure to not only cleanse my energy, but my clients energy too! Benefits of Energy Cleansing: Clears emotional blockages and negative patterns Promotes mental clarity and emotional well-being Enhances your intuition and ability to make aligned decisions Prevents burnout and fatigue by restoring energy flow Raises your vibration, making it easier to attract positive experiences Different Ways to Cleanse Your Energy: Meditation and Breathwork Focused breathing (Ex: deep breathing...