We all know the new year is the time people are ready to make changes to their lifestyle. Fitness and health are generally number one on everyone's list. For the past six months I have been on Juice Plus to help give my busy lifestyle and body the boost it deserves. What is Juice Plus? " Juice Plus+ is whole food based nutrition, including juice powder concentrates from 30 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Juice Plus+ helps bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat every day. Not a multivitamin, medicine, treatment or cure for any disease, Juice Plus+ is made from quality ingredients carefully monitored from farm to capsule to provide natural nutrients your body needs to be at its best." I love this product and stand by it so much, I have decided to become a representative for the company. Ask me how to create one simple change for yourself. Want more information? Click on the link below! www.juiceplus.com/+jg78923