Start your day on the right foot!
Your morning rituals help set the tone for the day. If you wake up in a bad mood or feel overly exhausted, chances are you may have a little bit of a rough start to your day. Here are a few tips and things you can start to incorporate into your morning rituals to help you have a positive, uplifting and successful day.
- Don't hit that snooze button! This is procrastination at its finest! No need to start the day procrastinating.
- Make sure to have a glass of water on your nightstand. Drinking a glass of water right when you wake up will help your body start functioning for your busy day.
- Quick morning stretches either while you're still in bed or right when you get up.
- If you have the time for a workout, walk/run or yoga, do it, even if you have to get up a few minutes earlier. This will help give you some extra energy to last throughout the day. (This is one that I need to start implementing again!)
- Drink fruit infused or lemon water. It is packed with antioxidants and helps releases the toxins out of your body that has been stored up all night long. Also the fruit and lemon have vitamins to give your body a boost of extra energy.
- Take 5 minutes to read something inspirational or something that makes you feel good to set the tone for the day.
- While you're getting ready, put on an inspirational podcast (my personal favorite is law attraction secrets) or some uplifting music in the background. (I do this when I'm doing my hair and makeup).
- Say a quick prayer or light meditation for your gratitude and what you are going to accomplish that day. You can even write them down in a journal or on your calendar! It's great to review your goals every morning too, whether they be daily goals, weekly, monthly, yearly goals, etc.
- Take a few minutes for your self and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee!
Now I know it may seem impossible to do everything on this list every morning when you are trying to get ready for your day, but keep in mind, you don't have to do everything on this list! Pick and choose what works for you. Feel free to even combine a few of them into one! I know I'm going to start implementing a few more into my morning routines! What are some of your favorite morning routines for a successful day?
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