In order to give love to others, you must first learn to love yourself. Self-love comes in many forms such as- carving out a little extra you time during the day, exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle, pampering yourself, indulging in your favorite treat now and then, and even learning to say NO when you need some alone time or if it does not align with who you are and what you would like to do. Click here to learn more about other ways to practice self-love:
Some of the things you can do to improve your mental health, that is not limited to, are the following:
- · Talk to someone! Whether it’s a friend, family member, partner, or even a professional
- · Get out and move your body! Staying active increases endorphins and serotonin, which is known as that happy good feeling you get making you feel more relaxed and at ease
- · Getting outdoors and getting some natural Vitamin D, which has been proven to help improve overall wellness
- · Get enough sleep! If you are having trouble sleeping, some natural things that I like to take are: Ashwagandha, melatonin, or L- Theanine (please consult your doctor before trying anything new or something you are unfamiliar with)
- · Do what you LOVE! Cooking, arts and crafts, writing, singing, dancing, reading a book, etc
- · Adopt a pet. Pets are great at bringing your spirits up! Plus they give you something to look forward to everyday
- · Practice gratitude. What are you thankful for today? Do you have a roof over your head? Food in your belly? Clothes on your back?
- · Take yourself out of negative situations or away from negative people. If you always feel sad, angry or emotionally or mentally drained after being somewhere or around certain people, they are not good for your overall well-being
- · It's important to be around people that let you be yourself. People that you don't have to put on a show or act like you're always happy when in that moment, you are not. You should be around people who allow you to feel your emotions without judgment, criticism, or being looked at like there's something wrong with you
- · Try to not let what you can NOT control, take control of you. Yeah, easier said than done right? But if you cannot control the outcome and you have done everything you could, there is nothing more to do. Go with the flow of life and live in the present moment. I have learned that when you are living in the past- that will lead you to depression or anger. If you live in the future- that will lead you to anxiety. If you live and focus on the now- you can control the natural outcome. Control what makes you happy. Don’t put up with what does not. Learn balance and take the good with the bad and remember everything happens for you, not to you. Take each moment as they come and try not to plan (too) far ahead and try and have everything figured out, it'll just end up driving you crazy!
Learn more helpful ways to relieve stress and ground yourself here:
*I am not a certified doctor so please reach out to a professional if you or someone you know needs help, are feeling suicidal or have no other options
"When wounds are healed by love, the scars are beautiful" - David Bowles

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