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What's the buzz with salt rooms?

Salt rooms are becoming all the rage and steadily more and more popular across the United States. So how does it work? Halotherapy is used, which is the breathing in of natural salt air. With so many healing properties such as: treating respiratory conditions (asthma, bronchitis, and allergies), treating skin conditions (dermatitis, acne, eczema and psoriasis), it aids in the reduction of stress and anxiety, helps boost the immune system, kicks the symptoms of the common cold, as well as helps to reduce insomnia. Salt therapy is safe for anyone of all ages.

Dating back to the 1800s, Felix Bochkovsky, a health official from Poland, noticed that the salt mine workers rarely ever showed symptoms from colds or flus or any respiratory or lung issues. He did further investigation and realized that breathing in the salty air was the cause of the positive health spike in the workers. Salt therapy has been commonly used throughout Europe for a while, so it's really no wonder why salt rooms are becoming more known in the United States now.

So what are salt rooms? Natural, unrefined rock salt containing many trace minerals such as magnesium and calcium, covers the walls and floors while you sit back and relax. The salt is also pushed out through vents to assist you breathing in more of the natural goodness. Salt is a natural sterilizer so it helps to clear out toxins and impurities. It also releases negative ions which supports the production of serotonin in the body, talk about natural mood elevator!


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