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It's time to embody REAL Self-Love

Join me for a month-long Telegram group dedicated to helping you embody self-love, enhance self-awareness, and boost self-worth and self-esteem. We'll focus on setting strong, healthy boundaries and building your confidence using self-love healing techniques and Reiki! By the end of Self-Love September, you will be able to : 

Recognize Your Worth: Understand and appreciate your true value, independent from external validation, and truly love yourself for who you are- flaws, uniqueness, quirks and all. 

Confident Decision-Making: Make decisions with confidence, trust in your judgment, and take initiative in your personal and professional life.

Overcome Fear with Positive Self-Talk: Conquer fears and self-doubt by developing a habit of speaking to yourself with kindness, compassion, and encouragement.

Self-Respect and Self-Acceptance: Treat yourself with respect, prioritize your needs and well-being, and celebrate your imperfections.

Identify Needs and Communicate Clearly: Recognize your needs, prioritize them without guilt, and assertively communicate your boundaries.

Say No and Protect Your Energy: Feel comfortable saying no to requests that do not serve your well-being and maintain boundaries to protect your energy.

Coping Strategies and Emotional Regulation: Learn effective coping strategies to manage stress and develop techniques for regulating your emotions.

Support System and Growth Mindset: Build a network from a supportive community and adopt a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.

Self-Awareness and Vulnerability: Gain a deeper understanding of your desires, values, and emotions, and learn to be open with yourself and others.

Mutual Respect and Quality vs Quantity: Engage in relationships based on mutual respect and prioritize meaningful interactions vs superficial connections.

Learn more here!

Do you find it challenging to set boundaries in your life? Are you hesitant to say no to others? Do you often find yourself overextending yourself helping others? Are you afraid to establish boundaries at work or with your family or friends?

Feeling like you’re disappointing others can be tough to accept. Saying no can be especially challenging, often influenced by our upbringing and past experiences. However, once you establish healthy boundaries—which we’ll practice in Self-Love September—you’ll realize that prioritizing yourself is essential. There’s no need for guilt or shame in setting boundaries; it’s about recognizing that neglecting your needs hurts you in the long run.

Do you constantly second-guess yourself? Are you always questioning whether you made the right choice? Do you worry that you could have or should have done things differently? Are you frequently seeking approval from others?

Let me help you by teaching you to trust your instincts and gain confidence! Our bodies are powerful tools that guide us where we need to go; we just need to learn to listen. By working with me, you will learn to tap into your inner power and follow your instincts. Through Reiki and meditation, you will connect with what your body is trying to tell you, and with self-love techniques, you will learn to trust your instincts and confidently make decisions. I will help you find your inner voice and feel whole and complete!

Why Join Self-Love September and Work with Me Specifically

  • Personal Experience: I've been through similar struggles and have successfully overcome them. I understand the journey intimately and can offer insights that are both personal and practical.
  • Holistic Approach: Combining self-love techniques with Reiki provides a comprehensive healing experience that addresses mind, body, and spirit.
  • Supportive Community: With the support of a dedicated Telegram group, it ensures you are never alone in your journey. You'll have a safe space to share, learn, ask questions and grow with others.
  • Expert Guidance: I offer expert guidance and personalized support to help you navigate your unique challenges and achieve your goals.

Benefits of Joining 

  • Emotional Healing: Release negative emotions and past traumas through Reiki and self-love practices.
  • Increased Confidence: Build your self-worth and confidence through structured exercises and challenges.
  • Stronger Boundaries: Learn and practice setting healthy boundaries to protect your energy and well-being.
  • Sense of Belonging: Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who support and uplift each other with a dedicated Telegram Group. Ask questions and get support Monday-Friday during the month of September.
  • Practical Techniques: Gain practical tools and techniques that you can use daily to maintain your progress.
  • Healing Sessions: We’ll have group Reiki sessions, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), guided meditations, journaling and other healing techniques to help release negative energy and promote healing. These will also be recorded for you to come back to at any point in time.

Learn more here!

Who is This For? This program is for individuals who:

  • Feelings of Abandonment: Have experienced abandonment in their past and carry feelings of being unworthy or unloved. You often feel a deep sense of loneliness and a fear of being left behind.
  • Low Self-Worth: Struggle with low self-esteem and self-worth. You often doubt their abilities and feel inadequate in various aspects of their lives.
  • Desire for Self-Love: Have a strong desire to cultivate self-love but don’t know where to start. You might have tried various methods but haven't found something that resonates deeply or brings lasting change.
  • Need for Boundaries: Find it challenging to set and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships, often leading to burnout and resentment.

Daily Struggles

On a day-to-day basis, you might:

  • Wake up with a sense of dread or anxiety about facing the day.
  • Feel overwhelmed by your own negative self-talk.
  • Experience difficulty in maintaining relationships because you constantly fear rejection or the other person may leave.
  • Struggle with making decisions, always doubting your choices.
  • Feel exhausted from trying to please others and neglecting your own needs.
  • Have moments of sadness or emptiness, feeling disconnected from yourself and others.

I help professional men and women between the ages of 30-50 who are struggling with self-love, self-worth, confidence, and setting healthy boundaries. If you feel stuck in your current situation and desire more fulfillment in life, I can guide you on a transformative journey using Reiki Healing and self-love techniques. I help you remove negative energy from past experiences and physical blockages that are holding you back and empower you to embrace your true potential. Together, we will work to heal past wounds, build your confidence, enhance your self-worth, and establish strong, healthy boundaries. This holistic approach will lead you to a life of happiness, abundance, and freedom.

I'm ready for REAL Self-Love



"I wanted to boost my self esteem and I left feeling very confident after working with Jenn." -Martha

“I really appreciate Jenn and her time and energy. I highly recommend her and can't wait to continue working with her” - Crissy

“I have experienced significant, lasting improvements in mood including reduced stress and anxiety and increased positivity and sense of well-being." - Wade

Maybe You Have Already Tried…

  • Talk therapy: While helpful, you feel it's slow-going or not addressing all of your issues holistically.
  • Self-Help Books and Courses: These provided some insights but lacked personalized guidance and community support.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: You tried these practices but struggled to maintain consistency or felt they weren’t enough on their own.
  • Talking to Friends and Family: While supportive, these conversations often left you feeling misunderstood, judged or more confused than before.

Why These Methods Didn't Work

  • Lack of Holistic Approach: Many methods address only part of the problem and didn't integrate emotional, mental, physical and energetic healing, as a whole.
  • Isolation: You may have felt isolated in your journey, without a supportive community to share experiences and learn from.
  • Inconsistency: You struggled to maintain a consist routine without a structured program and regular support.
  • Superficial Solutions: Many techniques felt superficial and didn't lead to deep, long lasting change and transformation.

I'm Ready!

Through my journey, as someone who who has personally overcome feelings of abandonment and low self-worth, I've learned the importance of true self-love and have developed techniques to help others on their own paths. This month long telegram group will be dedicated to helping you embody self-love, self-awareness, self-worth, set strong, healthy non-negotable boundaries, and build your confidence using self-love healing techniques and Reiki!

Click here to learn more


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